Hi! I’m Kathleen McKeon. I spent more than 23 years in the corporate arena. One day, out of the blue, I was laid off! As I sought to find employment in my area of expertise, the Lord asked me to begin serving others. I began serving friends and family who simply needed help. A friend had a new baby, and what mom doesn’t need help with cooking and cleaning when your precious little one arrives. Another friend needed help with cleaning, cooking a few meals and driving to appointments and shopping.
I was having fun until the assignments started to grow outside of what I wanted to do. I came to see that I was really selfish and my heart was really only surrendered when I was serving those I wanted to serve.
But I continued doing as the Lord had asked. As I surrendered to Him, He began changing my heart. I started seeing people from His perspective. I came to understand that simply going where He needed me to go and give where He needed me to give was what He had called me to do. Over time He changed my heart completely! Now serving others is not only a true pleasure… it’s my passion. That’s how A Heart for Service was birthed.
I am also a wife and mother. When my family was home, we were always busy with sports, church and other activities. I thought I was superwoman and could do it all. My house was usually clean and the yard looked great. What suffered was my quality time with family and friends.
Maybe you’re like I was then; I needed the help but didn’t know where to turn. Or, maybe you believe like I did…I should be able to be to handle it all. I’ve discovered that God has given us all gifts to help one another. And, even the Proverbs 31 woman had hand maidens!
The Platform
When I started serving others I had no idea God’s plan was to develop a platform of services which would truly allow people more time to do what’s really important to them and help make their lives easier! What a great plan – help with cleaning, shopping, cooking and organizing your homes! How I would have really enjoyed a service like this when my family was home. I don’t believe anyone was happy or impressed with how clean my bathrooms or floors where more than they appreciated the time I spent with them!
Helping Women Fulfill Their Destinies
Another God-given passion is to disciple women that they may become all they have been created to be and fulfill their destinies. Everyone who works with A Heart for Service is given the opportunity to develop homemaker skills so they can care for their family and home. Training plans are in place for each helper that will not only empower them for success with our clients but also with their own families in their homes.
We offer personal development. For all Helpers who have a desire to grow, we offer a mentoring program giving guidance and development specific to their gifting and desires so they may fulfill their dreams and destiny.
Our future plans are to give our helpers the opportunity to become a business owner. For those helpers who want to own their own business, we will provide the opportunity to purchase a AHFS franchise.